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Providing Credentials For Protected Routes


If your application requires a user to be logged in to access a route, you may define login credentials in your emtrey.config.js file. These credentials will be used in conjunction with the provided login URL, and automatically entered before visiting each route.


The following example shows an emtrey.config.js configured to provide user credentials to a login page.

module.exports = {
 login: {
  url: 'login',
  user: 'YOUR_USERNAME',
  password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
 routes: {
  '*': {
    auth: true,

Let’s break the properties of login down line-by-line.

  • The url property defines which route Emtrey will visit in order to access the login form.
    • Defaults to login. If the authentication URL is not /login, you can use the url property to override it.
    • Note: Do NOT add a leading slash. (e.g. '/sign-in')
  • The user property should be set to a valid email or username for your application.
  • The password property is the passphrase for the user property.

With these properties set, Emtrey will try to autofill fields on your login form automatically.

To tell Emtrey which routes require an authenticated user, just add an auth: true to the route.

In the above example, the * tells Emtrey to apply the configuration to all discovered routes. Every time Emtrey processes a route, it will always ensure the user (defined in login) is authenticated.

Having Trouble with Authentication?
Some application may have an non-standard approach to authentication, and Emtrey may not be able to automatically populate the fields or submit button. If you are experiencing issues with authentication, reach out to support at hello@emtrey.io.